What would you like to see improve or to be influenced?
8 members have voted
1. New users & current members; Do you feel that money is easily obtained?
No - I believe money is not easily obtained0
Yes - Money is easily obtained.8
2. What is your main source of income.
Slayer, skilling and other.4
3. Are you aware of bugs that are currently in-game?
Yes, and I have reported them,3
Yes, but I have not reported them,1
No, I have not noticed any bugs.4
4. Would you like to see some more content added into RuneWild?
Yes, we need more content.8
No, it is fine as it is.0
5. Do you enjoy the server being predominantly PK/PVP/Wilderness orientation?
No - I wish there were more diverse content1
Yes - I like it being mostly PVP/Wildy related.7