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Hi all,

Standard introductory post here. Been playing RSPS's for over 10+ years and started RS back in actual 2007. Work full time and study full time so don't really have the time and commitments to play actual OSRS although my account is stacked af lmao. Been looking for a server with a balanced economy, where PK'ing is viable but there is always small rewards no matter the risk.

Started playing yesterday and below is my progress so far, going to get the basilisk jaw, potentially finish the collectors log then head to Edgeville. For any other very new players who are scouting the introductions board, I got enough GP for basic supplies from levelling Slayer, then went straight to basilisks where you get around 200k cash per kill and a whole bunch of other loot which has gotten me my current bank.




Please add me in-game, I need friends lmao.

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Welcome to Rw bro, you've made some good progress so far!

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4 hours ago, ash pw said:

Welcome to runewild!

Big tip, dont go close to the gambling area. 


Hahahahaha, do enough of that irl. Thanks.

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Welcome, to runewild sir. I hope you enjoy your stay here , Make sure to vote every 12 hours and sell the vote points 5-6m ea, that's 48m every 12 hours. :D

Edited by Peter

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11 minutes ago, Peter said:

Welcome, to runewild sir. I hope you enjoy your stay here , Make sure to vote every 12 hours and sell the vote points 5-6m ea, that's 48m every 12 hours. :D

Thanks man - yeah took a chance on a mystery box just to see what I could strike out of beginners luck.


Did alright I think?

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