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Tired of protecting PVMers who don't even have PK gear with them? 
Bored of responding to calls only for your team mates to run and leave you when shit hits the fan? 
Sick of mass recruited meat shields with no PK experience? 
Apply for "VENDETTA" today

Here at Vendetta our members have lead, managed and maintained multiple clans 
in holding the #1 position on the server over the years, yet we all realised one thing, "#1 clan" is an empty
title when the only reward is a fancy cape and the responsibility of protecting the servers pvmers and leeches, 
here at VENDETTA we have gone for a different approach, a team actually dedicated to having fun PKing instead of 
shouldering the burden of protecting farmers and pvming at low reward events.

Mace/Bait trips

Requirements to join -

Speak fluent English.
Discord. (mic preferred but not needed aslong as you can join voice and listen to calls)
Basic PK knowledge. (beginners are welcome as long as you are willing to listen and learn)
Atleast a couple of braincells.

Join Discord to apply!

Discord - https://discord.gg/VendettaRW


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don't be like my idiot brother V Hi and join mercy, this is the real CC on RW #vendetta

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Hope you guys recruit some good members ! Hope they good enough that next time we 8vs8 mercy vs vendetta u guys dont get 8-0'd ! Best of luck boys :D !

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Requirements to join -
Atleast a couple of braincells.


Then why is Yeat Fan in your clan?

Edited by 1P

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