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Dohx Veteran Application

Recommended Posts

  1. You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. 
    -I'm usually not on the forums as much as I am in-game but if needed I will view/observe the forums page more.

  2. Account creation must be atleast 12 months old.
    -Recently just created couple months back but I can assure you with my gameplay I deserve to have this rank with the time i've spent in-game :)

  3. Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours.
    -30 days? I probably did 50 hours in less than a week xD

  4. No severe punishments in the past 90 days.
    never had any altercations with moderators/staff team and i'm pretty friendly with most of them :D  
  5. No past toxic behavior.
     -I'm not the person to pick fights so I'd say I am not a toxic player/person

    Thank you for your time and for reading! 

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Dont bother with his forum posts and acc creation this guy plays day and night and helps people all time in unity discord and ingame so far i know, it cant be compered with the forums posts and creation.

well deserved if you get it and good luck dohAx 💪❤️

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