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Armoured Zombies

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Something needs to change with these, whether it be afk checks, or the zombies deaggro after a period of time, or instanced versions you can pay for,  because you literally cannot get a spot at these they are camped by the same 8 players everyday every single spot they dont move they sit there with servant pets and farm infinite gold and hog any chance of other players being able to kill them because they have maxed mage, im not here to simply complain because im poor or anything because im not, it just seems a bit unbalanced to have players who can simply login position themselves there and not move for 24 hours holding the same spot farming infinite gold with zero effort and nobody else can compete for that spot. Just my suggestion. 

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P.S if you think im exaggerating go there right now, run through the cave and i can almost guarentee you will see one if not all of these players there at any time of day, Vocabulary, Islaynutz, 20Four7Afk, Sharmoota, Ma Broski. Its a problem.

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