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Triple eat

Triple eat Veteran aplication

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  1. You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums.  Dont have that, dont feel its that active to post other things then 'gz'
  2. Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. 1 of the first accounts on runewild :D
  3. Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. total playtime is 30 days 19 hours. i made an ironman account recently named 'erected' playing alot on there lately. already ahve 12 days playtime on it.
  4. No severe punishments in the past 90 days. Nope, dont think so
  5. No past toxic behavior.  other then the usual pk gimmicks no toxic behaviour at all

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Nothing bad to say about this guy at all very active +1

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