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Showing most liked content on 05/14/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 likes
    First of all i want to thank David for the tournaments, although i don’t like the setup for them it’s still a thought-that-matters thing. i think anyone can agree that ratlords are the only actively playing team on runewild, several members of the team have most playtime in the game grinding for these items we use for tourneys. EVEN if any team ’only’ got spawned a basic set or whatnot, still saddens me tbh. Ngl i spent 4-5 hours making my first basic set, and i am rarely online for that long ever. I mean yeah i get that David wants to grow the game but this is not the way to go about it. I hope for the best for this server and i don’t want to see it go down like this. Do you want a 20 playerbase 6 days of the week and then on sunday for 2 hours have 100 on? Long term thoughts are better than short term, remember that
  2. 2 likes
    I got perm muted for bashing religion in our private discord and alec my friend got muted for saying nigger in our priv cc where we joke around. Also when we won the event he lets hamza speak on stream and make ddos threats but ofc this went unpunished. David just trying to make elvy win but theyre addicted to losing Gz to my Gambino bros for winning.
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    There should be fog like in dmm tbh. Or 1v1 at clan wars, gambinos r beluga whales that can't even do a 12v7.
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    I completely see where your coming from with people grinding for gear for days or even weeks to match someone’s wealth in-game, who’s boosted for there gear. Also the screen shots what you’ve uploaded should ideally be posted in the report a player section. All players who threaten other players with any Ddos related talk or racist comments will be dealt with in the same way regardless who they are. Hopefully you’ll all make a return soon. The only OG clan left, shouldn’t leave in such a bad a way.
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    I got 30 day mute 4 saying I was gonna tb didyscapes router *no implication of ddosing* elvy members literally say people are gonna go offline and they get 2 hour mutes... sad
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    From my perspective the title ''King'' if unlocked the player has all rights to show other players that he/she has earned it , after all the title ''King'' is there for a reason as well from my perspective It's a useless ht to be polled, rather I would like to see a npc In-game which has all the titles which can be unlocked in Rune Wild. We have to move out from from the thought '' This is what makes our stand out from other servers '' we are not clean on many perspectives and much more improvement is required on many things and coming back to the title '' King'' I completely support this suggestion Elvy my friend but I would ask like to add to that, we need more titles and therefore can influence more players to come play, these titles can be acquired from PvM, PvP etc.
  9. 1 like
    You've always been such a homie to everybody and the server, as far as im seeing it, from My perspective you didn't play much But you were more like Looking out for David and the server, You've tried countless of times trying to help us, Vote competition Was a great one, overall donating to the server, and helping in general. I never really expect someone who plays this game to do this much as a regular player, This just goes to show that you want the best for the server and see it reach the top. You have My respect, This is something I Will not forget your name Will not go unnoticed. All the best - AJ