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Showing most liked content on 05/16/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    Hov said it best. I see positives and negatives on both options to remove or keep it how it is. Most people play private servers to just simply feed there staking/ gambling addiction. The positive side to having the 100m min to stake, is that even if 1 new person stays because they can’t lose there bank as quickly as on other private servers, then that its self is a big plus moving forward. The down-side to having it has been pointed out by yourself who simply enjoy staking/ gambling, and maybe more people would leave than stay because of the min requirement which would be a big negative. an alternative to having the min requirement would probably be to disable the duel arena completely and have it open for certain days/ weekends etc. What would you suggest that could be a good alternative?
  2. 1 like
    nice vid, however try using camtasia and youtubing how to do the mini-glitch to make it without the watermark for free. Also, don't commentate ingame chat, like "2.8b pot" we can clearly see that, would be nicer if you commentated with voice.