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Showing most liked content on 09/05/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    Showcasing this weekend out with Ratlords Gambinos for max Gambinos kill Foreign Forces for complete max Gambinos kill Gambinos for max Impact death Nothing really unusual for us, if you want to be apart of the #1 RSPS team please PM any leader via the public discord. Stay up to date in the Official Ratlords discord : https://discord.gg/JaH4YuZ
  2. 1 like
    I am not talking about the shields. that drop rate needs to stay the way it is. But making money from corp is hard we just need a few more small drops that will make corp more profitable.
  3. 1 like
    I agree with you man, you donated for perks you should be able to use them. I can't see why this is a thing really, I think the 'farming bosses' excuse is lame its not like everyone is a donor and even then the whole point of donating is to have benefits so it's a shame you can't use yours to the fullest potential. I support