Lots of reworks and QoLs like promised, you will enjoy this one! Next update will be an expansion of end game content, creating new game modes and a long awaited group boss. Bounty Hunter The interface has been reworked to match the new OSRS one, there are now lots of bounty tasks and a wilderness hotspot which rewards you with an Archaic emblem. Blighted rune packs have also been added to the PK store.
Bounty Tasks
You can now be assigned a bounty task by clicking on the 'Bounty Task' button on the interface
You can view all the tasks in this wiki: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bounty_Hunter
You will have to kill your target in the way the assigned task tells you too, upon failure of a task e.g. kill your target without using body armour and you did attack the target with body armour on. You'd have to leave and re-enter the wilderness to be eligible for the reward.
The reward after completing a task is an Archaic emblem tier 5 to 7.
Bounty Hotspot
There is a button at the left-bottom of the interface which tells you the current Bounty Hotspot.
The Bounty Hotspot has a chance of rewarding you with an Archaic emblem tier 5 when you kill your target in the defined area.
Gear System The gear system received a great interface update, making it much easier to see what's inside a gear slot.
What was changed on the interface?
The interface has been fully reworked to be more user friendly, a button was added which you can left-click instead of having to right-click in order to change a gears appearance or loadout.
Upon hovering a gear slot it will now show you the equipment and inventory, you no longer need to click on all your gear slots to see what it contains.
What was changed with the system?
You can now do Ctrl+Q in order to load your latest loaded loadout, speeds up things very well.
Loading a gear will now restore your special attack, you no longer need to go to a special attack pool. You can only use this feature once per minute even if you have the ultimate, diamond, royal donator rank. You can still go to the special attack pool if you want to recharge it more than once per minute.
Banking System We have modified the interface to match the current OSRS Bank and added some neat features.
You can now modify the left-click quantity button, upon left-clicking an item in your inventory or in the bank you can change the deposit or withdraw value to 1-5-10-X-All
You can now view your equipment in the banking screen by the equipment button at the left-top. You can equip and un-equip items here.
You can change the appearance of the tab displays, first item in tab, digits or roman numerals.
You can now release all placeholders with a button in the settings tab at the right-top, also a few other options for the appearance of the bank.
Summer Event: Aurora The Ice queen needs a helping hand, Aurora and it's pyros are spewing fire throughout the wilderness. Gather 20.000 Summer tickets and she will reward you with great rewards.
What is the reward?
You will receive an summer box after bringing 20.000 Summer tickets to Ice queen.
The summer box rewards you several cosmetics and exclusive items.
How can I obtain Summer tickets?
You can obtain the tickets by killing Pyros in the wilderness, they don't return as quick after dying so head off to the other zones before someone else kills them.
Every three hours Aurora will appear near Demonic Ruins, after it's death it will reward you the Summer tickets equal to 50% of the amount of damage you've done. Pyros spewing fire, standing on them damages you for a few seconds.
Larran's Chests & Keys Every monster in the wilderness drops the Larran's key, the higher the monsters HP the higher the chance that it drops it. It has a chance of rewarding the Dagon' hai robes, upon a reward of 25M+ it will be broadcasted to the entire server so be aware!
What are the rewards?
The small Larran's chest close to hills, chaos altar around lvl. 18, this chest rewards ranging from 2M to 27M in items.
The big Larran's chest inside the Pirate ship at lvl. 55 west of Mage Bank, this chest rewards ranging from 5M to 50M in items.
Other updates
Amulet of blood fury has been added, you can purchase the blood shard for 20K PK Points at the PK Store.
Sponsor+ ranks can now do Ctrl+T to open their trading post.
You can now make the blade of saeldor (c) upon upgrading it with 1000 crystal shards.
Added warning timers into trading, flower poker and dicing upon removal or adjustment of an offer.
Added emblem tier 5 to slayer uncommon loot table.
You now have a bigger chance to receive uncommon loot table at slayer monsters.
There is a 50% chance when offering a bone on the wild chaos altar that it will not be consumed.
Through servant you can now teleport to the donator monster zone teleports of bosses which are also in the donator zone.
You can now recharge your special attack by just loading your gear, this is capped to once per minute even if you have the best donator rank.
Monster loots now show which KC you got it on through the server broadcast.
Emblem tiers now reward much more.
Crumble undead at Vorkath now always does 100% damage without a splash.
The purple attack of Vorkath no longer blocks you activating your prayers for a few seconds, it just disables it.
You can no longer get the same slayer task after cancelling one.
Your ::risk will now be triggered upon entering the risk zone.
Demonic gorilla kills count as black demons on bd task.
You can now enable your prayers when you jump the edgeville ditch.