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Showing most liked content on 07/10/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    so i've noticed many people dont realize how profitable emblems are espically for new players so I decided to put a simple explnation about how to make the best profit pking while risking low amounts. basically the technique is very simpe you buy emblem from the trading post tier 5-6 depends on the price (usually they cost 3-6m ). then you start killing targets with the emblem until you get to tier 9 (takes only 3-4 kills) then you sell the tier 9 emblem for about 60m at the trading post and you got about 55m profit from 3 kills risking nothing. (an alternative is getting emblem to tier 10 and trade it for 25k cards which sells for 55m instantly) enjoy eaasy money.
  2. 1 like
    Nice money making i try this later...