What's your in-game username? Queen B
What is your timezone? - Eastern Standard Time GMT -5
What is your playtime? - 48 days on main account
Tell us a little about your gaming history. - Been playing Runescape over 10 years like most people, once Evolution of Combat entered Runescape i found out about RSPS's because i was not interested in runescape anymore. and fell in love with them because i don't have to train for 8 hours a day to gain 1 level. at the end of the day i enjoy pking and Runewild is definitely made for me, its the most active Pk server out and always will be.
Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - i spend a lot of time on this game and dont mind helping people. i allow people to use my clanchat so they can do instance corp for example, I'm always willing to help when i get questions in my pms regarding how to obtain certain items for ironman, or best methods of skilling. it definitely helps my ingame knowledge having a max cape and almost all achievements unlocked.