I've played this game for 2 years being realism, and I've notice there's 2 main things id love to change because would make the game way more fun:
Number 1: Be able to change my combat level so I can try different styles of pking (Pure, Zerker, or even a random combat lvl acc) without switching account. As Realism has to gain exp to increase the level, a good solution would be, once u get to 99, you can switch to whatever level u want.
Number 2: I've always wondering if there's gonna be a store for us to acquire spawnable items (they don't need 2 be free). Obviously would be mainly for cosmetics. Id be glad to pay for spawnable items as a realism account. For example Saradomin D'hides, Rune Zamorak...etc. (They cannot be traded from a "regular" account to a realism one)