What's your in-game username? - Iron 4 hit
What is your timezone? - EST
What is your playtime? - 26 Days on the ironman & 7 days on my main
Tell us a little about your gaming history. - I've been playin games since I was a kid. I started 07 back in 3rd grade and I am 29 years old now. I always had a heart for runescape and I can never seem to get away from it. I do play many other games as well and currently building a GTA RP city.
Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I am great with players and help out as much as possible whether it's questions in the help cc or in Unity discord which I have proven myself to become Mod in. I can also be up late and assist with the community in the late hours.
Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: I have a really good relationship with some of the ingame staff already and I believe from asking them and learning how to become a better player from them would make me be a decent support staff and I am very engaging with the community. I always have my private on so if you have any questions or need help I will always do my best to answer you asap.