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Showing most liked content on 12/05/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 likes
    I actually really enjoy Zalcano so a big +1 from me!
  2. 1 like
    (Zalcano) -One of the most useful bosses for spawn accounts and ironmans, in skilling it would be the most dynamic group boss there is. -In the case of the items that are given, herbs will be removed and added, for example: Bars, Rune essences, Gems, etc. -And this will activate what is the tool seed and the zalcano shard, to add it to the pick or the axe. -This boss should be added, from my point of view to not make the game so linear, and be more dynamic in consistency. -Zalcano will have a maximum of 10m loot, in which the more players there apply, the lower the probability of reaching 10m loot itself. -Requirements to be able to enter this boss, 70 mining, 70 smithing and 70 runecrafting, so that there is a basic calculation of the players who can enter.
  3. 1 like
    Good effort - has helped me a lot Tyvm!
  4. 1 like
    (Lance and Crosbow Color) This would be the new transformation for Dhl and Dhc. -It would only be cosmetic, so that it looks more attractive when using it. -The lance and crossbow will have a darker color, so that when adding the hydra head the difference can be seen. -In the case of the crossbow, it will not be taken into account due to its color already obtained. -For the color of the set in the cox color, the item Twisted Horms will be added to the set. cost of 1k points in slayer.
  5. 1 like
    Good luck with your application!