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Showing most liked content on 01/16/2024 in all areas

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    I wanted to make a suggestion to require players to have atleast 100 mill in their inventory to enter the flower poker area. 100 mill is almost nothing and it immediately solves being literally asked 10 different times by 10 different people “help me for ags please”. Because if they’re there, they can clearly afford the so called AGS they want to “pk and rebuild”. I understand that it’s possible to ignore list them, but there are so many it’s like you’re constantly dismissing randoms on OSRS, only these are more persistent and keep following you around. Someone who does not have 100mill is exclusively there to harass other players actually trying to enjoy the game. It’s gotten to the point where I literally equip full rune with a nezzy at fp to have some peace. And its not that I am greedy or whatever, I give plenty of stuff away, just not to the beggers as it only encourages them to keep coming there.