What's your in-game username? - Kush Chicken
What is your timezone? - CDT
What is your playtime? - 86 days on main
Tell us a little about your gaming history. - Played runescape for 20 years, been playing runewild for a year now usually 15hrs+ a day.
Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I already go out of my way to help the general public anyway I can, always have my pms on etc. I think that if I became a member of staff I could only help more.
Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: I'm very good with interaction/communications between people, socialization is my profession for the past 10 years which has exposed me to all types of situations where things need to be de-escalated or assisting people daily and coming up with a solution to problems that arise.