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Everything posted by Anzio

  1. 130B Dharok's Tournament

    IGN: Efflictim
  2. Bossing / Multi Pking Cc So, What are we going to do? What we do is that we are working together as a team. Killing bosses in the wilderness such as Vorkath, Calliso and more! Massteaming on Corp for a chance to get the most valueable item in the game and alot of more stuff! We are also trying to hunt down people that picks up the treasure chest and people that are our enemies! We are just looking to have some fun together Who do we want to recruit? We are not looking for anything special, You dont have to be good at Pking neither Bossing. We can help you with anything you have questions about. I'll recruit the people who can make a decent application with the requirements fullfilled! What is our goal with making this Cc? Our goal is to make money and we usually split it if we get a big drop from a boss or a pk drop from a pker. Im doing daily giveaways / drop parties in the Cc for my members! We're aiming to have a fun time together and build our banks up by helping eachother with the most! How Do You Join and whats the requirements? Application to Join, copy the stuff below and answer! 1. Ingame Name: 2. Age: 3. Where are you from: 4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt ) 5. Any clan experience? 6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc? How do you know if you got recruited or denied? I will reply on your application as soon as i see it! Rules of being in the Cc will be written in the discord! If you have any other questions, Pm me ingame "Pontus" or Pm me on discord " Pontus#9597 ". Thanks for reading and hopefully we will meet in the Wilderness
  3. Try me

  4. Try me

  5. Inspired by Cata

    What a great way on fuck up the eco, lets all just spam the forums for some free stuff people already donated for ingame
  6. Suggestions

    Add a XP lamp for skilling through the vote store, XP lamps can be used on skills to receive a certain amount of XP. The higher donator rank you have the more XP you will gain from using the lamp. Add more stuff to ::di, ::sdi, ::sdi place is pretty scuffed so it would be cool with sdi at some other coordinates. Add a system yell, whenever someone becomes a donator for the first time or upgrade their donator it shows up a text as a server yell. Example " Pontus has been promoted to Donator" Add some kind of login rewards, every 7 days (1 week) you receive a certain amount like 2m the first day logging in, second day 3m, 3rd day 4m etc etc the 7th day (last day) like a super mbox or something. After 7 days it will be new rewards or same rewards but it resets the days so you have to start over again Fix the zoom + / -
  7. Suggestions

    Thanks for your nonsense feedback
  8. Bossing / Multi Pk Team!

    Accepted, Add me on discord Pontus#9597
  9. Bossing / Multi Pk Team!

    Accepted, add Pontus#9597 on discord
  10. Bossing / Multi Pk Team!

    Accepted, Pm me on discord Pontus#9597
  11. Bossing / Multi Pk Team!

  12. Bossing / Multi Pk Team!

    Ty brother
  13. Bossing / Multi Pk Team!

  14. Bossing / Multi Pk Team!

    ACCEPTED! Pm me on Discord: Pontus#9597
  15. Received my first pet.

  16. Bossing / Multi Pk Team!

    ACCEPTED! Pm me on discord Pontus#9597
  17. Bossing / Multi Pk Team!

    Accepted! Pm me on discord @ Pontus#9597!
  18. Suggestions

    Hey, I dont know whats been said and not but i will just write down my suggestions of what i would like to see. As ive read before, would be cool for the new players and even the old players to have a ::staff command to see whose online. I would actually love if raids were added, since ive never done that before and people would enjoy it for sure. Add some more rare stuff in the voting store. When you vote there should be a chance of getting like an ags or claws-/- Whenever you kill a target instead of dropping only a mysterious emblem () maybe add a rare drop that could get dropped. Lower the prices of supplies in the general store. Maybe add a fountain or a well where the community could deposit money into. When a certain amount of money is reached, some kind of random event starts. For example double drops in pvm for 1 hour or double skilling xp etc etc Thanks for reading, If theres anything you would like to change or if theres already something in the game that i wrote down. If you have any other opinions on this feel free to write that below!