What's your in-game username? - young g
What is your timezone? - GMT+3
What is your playtime? - current playtime is over 13 days, but i've been routing over this server for years now!
Tell us a little about your gaming history. - i found out about this server while voting for other server, came to check out couple years back, it was quite interesting and the most important part was fun, the community is pretty chill, i like to help out people not only moneywise but giving my knowledge too.
Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I've had experience before, i feel like being a staff member would make me spend more time on this (which i enjoy doing) and it would make a difference for other people, cuz my timezone is different than us people, usually when im online to play there's not a single staff member online to help people in need,i could be the one to make it happen
Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: i've been playing osrs, rsps's for 12 years now and i have loads of experience based on most of the questions that could be asked, think i deserve this spot for being nice, helpful and respectful towards runewilds community.