What's your in-game username? - Killercoach
What is your timezone? - Gmt+1
What is your playtime? - i play everyday between 5 -12 hours , been playing the server for almost a year now.
Tell us a little about your gaming history. -
Used to play 07 for many years and pre eoc runescape but Runewild has been way more fun and its been all i been doing with a bunch of friends.
Main reason for leaving 07 for runewild has been the pking was dead on there and there has been action in pvp 24/7 on here <3
Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? -
IRL im a soccercoach for kids and young adults , i teach them many great skills in soccer but also how to do win matches in a legal and righteous way . i intend to play the game the same attitude with the main goal : HAVE FUN
Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: #mercy #RUNEWILDBITCHES