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Found 1 result

  1. Red = Bug Green = pls Crossed out = Fixed or Added <3 * attempt to recharge spec when regear toggle (maybe donor perk) * repair noted dh items * repair without talking to dumb npc (just allow us to use blood money on broken noted dh items no dialogue just insta fixed them) * ::emblem pulls highest tier our of your bank if you have a free slot (or t1) * potion decanter to 1, 2, and 3 dose * spawnanables don't drop on death pls * possibly toggle sub 10k loot to just disappear on death when you kill someone * fix dragon sword (shit slashes like a scim and hits at same speed as scim) * add last stage of fight caves (jad wave) and have him give bm or cape that is sellable on kill + random chance at something okay * fix bh (losing targets mid fight or if they go to regear and take 30 seconds / if I regear, constnatly losing targets * allow bh targets to pj with 0 delay * ::set1-10 command to call different sets * allow user to continue moving while using f12 menu * clicking ditch doesn't work half the fuck time * make ::home tele you home with no animation just instantly at that tile (keep it as not available in combat if that's what you prefer, maybe donor perk to use it in combat? * Dicing table is sweet, maybe make it so people can right click dice anyone who has a dice table out? * lumber scroll has wrong tele animation * 2fa would be nice * veng timer overlay holy fug am blind * MAKE IT SO I DON'T CLICK EVERY SINGLE PERSON EXCEPT FOR THE PERSON IM FIGHTING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (maybe toggle that makes everyone except who you're in combat with either disappear or by right click attack) * ::ditch command that brings you to accross the ditch 2 tiles / north of the edge shops over ditch (with no animation or warning message) * make bots attack their fucking targets (would also be solved by 0 pj timer on target) * untrimmed cape store + Santa in donator cosmetics shop for not a stupid price maybe pls? (kept on death) * steal the resting animation from 666 revision even if it doesn't restore run energy, sitting needs to be in the game! (opinion) * ghost pale white cosmetic option * combat dummy next to chest is annoying because missclicks * ornate pool doesn't restore stats * double clicking "item" in bank switches it to noted * item doesn't disappear from trading post if you have just bought the exact amount listed * make the gmaul so you can spec from more tiles away (really fun game mechanic) * ::toxic mode for us nerds who don't care what language is used then just asterisk out words like n*gger * make opening fucking caskets not the least rewarding thing in the game! (the ones that cost bm to open)