What's your in-game username? - M70
What is your timezone? - GMT -8
What is your playtime? - 11 days, 16 hours, 16 mins
Tell us a little about your gaming history. - I've been playing rsps's for about 5-7 years on and off, I was support on a server for about 3-4 months then got promoted to mod, was a mod for 2 years.
Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I love this server, If i were staff i'd make it a point to get on and help as much as i can. I also get a self rewarding feeling when i do help people.
Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: I do work a lot, i work 6 12 hour shifts, but when im not at work i will be on here, I understand that staff do have to be active on fourms and i will be if granted server support. One other thing, When im not doing bosses that call for clan chats i will be in "help" cc
Thank you for your time and wish everyone who applies goodluck